Logo di Faggio in Viaggio.
A path through time
A simple itinerary through the natural reserve of Monterano, a small protected area at the outskirts of Rome creating a striking combination between history and nature.

In March 1800 two friars, last inhabitants of the area, abandoned the Convent of Saint Bonaventura – and since then the Monteranese plateau remained unpopulated.

We will go back together, retracing a real trip through space and time: from the red waterfall of Diosilla to the ghost town of Monterano with its history, its legends, and its artistic and naturalistic treasures.
Half or Full Day
T - Touristic Itinerary - Easy and suitable route for everyone
Itinerary on small roads, mule tracks or wide paths; the routes are generally not long, do not present any orientation problems and do not require a specific training if not the typical one of the walk. It develops in the immediate vicinity of towns, tourist resorts, communication routes and is of particular interest for easy cultural or tourist-recreational walks.

Accessibility and limitations

Suitable for families with children
There are simple routes for young and old. However, the use of prams and pushchairs is not recommended
Suitable for pets
It is possible to bring your own animals but with a leash
There are trails accessible to all
Some paths are sufficiently cared for to be used by people with disabilities or reduced mobility

Informations and booking form

Note: Only contact information is required to request a reservation.
The date and number of participants can be defined later.
I have read and accepted the terms of the privacy and of the regulation .

To book or ask for further information, you can contact me via this form, using the appropriate space in the contact area or by phone, sms or Whatsapp at +39 3470126336 or by email by writing to

For the reservation it is necessary to specify the date and place chosen, the number of participants, provide a contact name and a telephone number.
It will be my care to contact you to compose your personalized adventure together.

Warning: in the event of adverse weather conditions, the program may vary, be postponed or canceled. Participants will be informed in time and any participation fees already paid will be refunded.

Please note: please specify any allergy, food intolerance or celiac disease situations.


Particolare della Solfatara Particolare della Solfatara Fontana del Leone sulla facciata del Palazzo Altieri (Antica Monterano) Il Convento e la Chiesa di San Bonaventura (Antica Monterano) Antica miniera con materiale di risulta Il Convento e la Chiesa di San Bonaventura (Antica Monterano) Fico all'interno della Chiesa di San Bonaventura (Antica Monterano) La fontana ottagonale del Bernini (Antica Monterano) Fontana del Leone del Bernini (Antica Monterano) Veduta dal Palazzo Altieri (Antica Monterano) Ingresso della Mola (Antica Monterano) Solfatara Rana appenninica (Rana italica) Bovini maremmani attraversano il torrente Mignone Bovino maremmano Fronte della Chiesa e del Convento di San Bonaventura con la fontana ottagonale del Bernini (Antica Monterano) Eremo di Montevirginio (Canale Monterano) Cascata della Diosilla Solfatara Il Convento e la Chiesa di San Bonaventura (Antica Monterano) Chiesa di San Rocco (Antica Monterano) Particolare della Fontana del Leone Valletta del Fontanile con l'acquedotto  (Antica Monterano) Arcate dell'acquedotto Lungo il Fosso Fonte del Lupo Felce Antica miniera - Il Convento e la Chiesa di San Bonaventura con la fontana del Bernini (Antica Monterano) Riflessi nella fontana ottagonale (Antica Monterano)

Faggio in Viaggio

Faggio in Viaggio organizes customized excursions for small groups of half or full day with a dedicated Environmental Guide.