Logo di Faggio in Viaggio.
Where time has stopped
Ghost Towns

Abandoned lands, lost countries where nature has returned to take possession of walls, roads and buildings. Houses without windows, without doors, without inhabitants, once someone's hearth and today a pile of stones with an evocative and eternal charm.

Distant and hidden from the life of the cities, with a discreet pace we will go in search of each of their parts and, letting ourselves be guided by the imagination, we will give life to these mysterious villages of the past.

Antica miniera Ingresso della Mola (Antica Monterano) - Riflessi nella fontana ottagonale (Antica Monterano) Particolare della Solfatara Lo sputodromo di Celleno Sant'Angelo, il Paese delle Fiabe (VT) Il borgo fantasma di Celleno (VT) Sant'Angelo, il Paese delle Fiabe (VT) Il campanile dell'ex parrocchia di Celleno

Faggio in Viaggio

Faggio in Viaggio organizes customized excursions for small groups of half or full day with a dedicated Environmental Guide.